The Universidade Católica Timorense (UCT)

On December 8, 2021, Timor Leste has inaugurated its first Catholic University dedicated to St. John Paul II who is considered to have inspired the country’s struggle for independence. The inauguration was spearheaded by Archbishop Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of Dili, few months before his appointment as the first Cardinal in Dili, and assisted by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak.

Within the scope of the learning process at the Universidade Católica Timorense (UCT), Fundação São Paulo is the Maintainer Entity of Universidade Católica Timorense (UCT).  As a Maintainer Entity of the UCT, the competencies of Fundação São Paulo are:

1). Create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the UCT, ensuring its administrative, economic, financial, and property management, within the framework of the law in force in Timor Leste in terms of higher education;

2). Assign to the educational establishment a specific asset in terms of facilities and equipment, as well as the necessary financial and human resources.

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